This information is updated monthly. For more information on the current market and how to interpret this graph, please contact us at: or 360-298-0390
Average Price For Sale is the average of list price of the properties for sale in a particular month. Average Price Sold is the average of sold price of the properties sold in a particular month. Displaying both Average Price For Sale and Average Price Sold line charts in a graph portrays the relationship between on and off market pricing.
This information is updated monthly. For more information on the current market and how to interpret this graph, please contact us at: or 360-298-0390
MOI based on Closed Sales = the number of properties for sale divided by the number of properties sold.
This information is updated monthly. For more information on the current market and how to interpret this graph, please contact us at: or 360-298-0390
This information is updated monthly. For more information on the current market and how to interpret this graph, please contact us at: or 360-298-0390
Average Price For Sale is the average of list price of the properties for sale in a particular month. Average Price Sold is the average of sold price of the properties sold in a particular month. Displaying both Average Price For Sale and Average Price Sold line charts in a graph portrays the relationship between on and off market pricing.
This information is updated monthly. For more information on the current market and how to interpret this graph, please contact us at: or 360-298-0390